Who is the Feminine Divine?

Our relationship with the rhythms and lifecycles of Mother Earth and nature are an integral part of our existence. All ancient cultures observed the cycles of the sun, moon and stars, the weather, seasons, plants and animals and considered the dynamic aspect of nature as sacred and essential to human life. This dynamic aspect is creative, destructive and maintains life while nourishing and nurturing it. We honor this force or energy as Shakti- that intelligent principle of causality present in the cosmos. Because of its creative nature, we celebrate it as Feminine aspect of Consciousness and is not attributed a gender in the ordinary way.

What is the nature of Shakti?

Shakti is dynamic, expansive and encompasses all subtle and other energy that is responsible for all lifecycles, its rhythms, movement in nature, transformation and chaos of all existence.

It is the power inherent within every substance in the universe and within all sentient life. In our physiology it governs all cellular life functions, nerve impulses and circulation as well as signaling in the body. It causes eyelids to blink, creates the light in our eyes, the ability to swallow, the metabolic fire of digestion, the heart to beat, the power to move our limbs, the creation present in an egg, which when fertilized, creates life governed by the power of a dynamically active invisible blueprint. In our psychology, this energy underlies the wide spectrum of feelings, thoughts and emotions that is the quantum nature of our experience.
When we begin to acknowledge and connect to this creative principle within ourselves, we can live in our center of quiet power. We are empowered to connect to the mystical, powerful part of life that makes our existence sacred and Divine.

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