Listen to My Podcast

Join me on my newly launched podcast

Podcast name: The Inner Path of the Feminine Divine

An exploration of what it means to be on your journey of self-transformation, to know your inner power that we call the Feminine Divine. The pathless path is the inner path of Shakti-the embodiment of Consciousness as the Goddess within and without. She is the cause of all dynamic and kinetic energy of the entire Cosmos. She creates, sustains and destroys at will when the time is ready. She is accessible to all of us at any time, with unconditional love and no qualifications needed except with a sincere approach, and commitment to receive her love, beauty and power in the many ways she expresses in reality. Join me on this journey as we cover many topics as numerous as her myriad of expressions in nature and in the cosmos. This journey will enable personal transformation should you choose it. It is your warrior’s path if you should decide to wield the sword to cut through delusions, illusions and concepts of what life is about. It empowers you to choose authenticity and being centered instead of being flighty and ungrounded. It gives you the sweetness of life and all of its experiences should you choose to step into authenticity. I look forward to our coming together.

Peace & Blessings ~ Gayathri Shylesh