What do I really want to say to myself right now?

I am experiencing such a variety of feelings right now. It’s flipping around as a kaleidoscope of colors in my head along with thoughts that seem disconnected. There is a deep sense of empathy for the suffering in the world and a strange sense of detachment.

I feel anxious just under the surface as though I am apprehensive of something that is about to happen or that I have missed out on something that I should have been paying attention to. Oh wait, it’s nothing, just a fleeting thought. All I need is to pay attention to my breath.

I feel sad at the paradox of a technologically advanced modern society and its conflict with the fundamental nature of human life and the lifecycles of Mother Nature. And yet I rejoice for the miracles in the wake of its advancement.

I am aghast at the news pundits who peddle misinformation to their ego investment. And yet I feel great compassion that they have to struggle and strive to be seen, heard, and recognized.

I am disappointed in the elected leaders of state, in whom so many have invested their hopes and trust. And yet I hope that politics will come with compassion for one and all and a recognition that we are only as strong as the weakest among us.

I grieve for the betrayal that many feel and as losses of human life mount as a bizarre upward-moving bell graph painted on a screen for posterity which will be shown in some documentary 5 years from now. And yet I celebrate the new generations with so much awareness and intelligence.

I am despondent that we have become desensitized to the loss of human life, violence against women and children, and all people generally and we don’t consider each life sacred enough. readily especially those of the elderly, the poor, the disenfranchised as a discretionary expense for the benefit of the elite …so many. And yet I am inspired by their stories of survival, transcendence, strength, and legacy they leave behind for generations to learn from.

I abhor how we forget who we really are, become slaves to conditioning, and keep marching on this path so mindlessly content in our comfort and convenience as we ignore the waste created and the impact on Mother Earth and Nature, and the loss of innumerable species. And yet I keep hoping that our voices will be heard for all life. I am reflective on dying- How we die should be with some semblance of dignity, before we hit the body bag or the cold tray in a morgue. What is my legacy that I should leave behind? We arrived on the planet hands empty and we leave with nothing except the wisdom of our life experiences.

I am taken aback by the nature of ego and its innocuous reach even as we struggle as a collective in the face of a common enemy. “Who is best, who is more stupid, who is most articulate, who is prettiest, who is smartest, who is richest, who is more powerful, and the big one… who is most spiritual…” It is not a competitive activity and is not on display.

I am humbled by the quickness of the human mind that grapples with “flattening the curve” and how we can see those who can and who can’t.

I celebrate the warriors on the frontline and hope that people don’t forget our basic human care and connection needs, not war and might.

I rejoice with the human spirit, resilience, and adaptation to the new normal.

I am ecstatic watching the creative masters who offer their music, art, writing, poetry, and all expression in a myriad of ways and that they are joyously doing it.

Even as we know the obvious, I see that everyone needs the re-assurances of “This too will pass”, and “ We will recover as a people and as a community”. This is a moment of learning, an opportunity for introspection- looking inward that is, and not pointing fingers or figuring out what the next breaking news headline is.

We forget that the nature of humanity is unitive. We are meant to transcend all while transforming ourselves and staying in connection with all that is. I need your help. All of your help.

Help me lighten the load of the burden of the collective grief and suffering that everyone is experiencing right now. Part of this stems from seeing loved ones lost and realizing “Am I also going to die? I didn’t get to live my life yet. Regret, guilt, resentment, anger, sorrow, and ultimately grief for not experiencing Love. How can you help? Take a moment out of your day for 2 minutes and breathe with me Take a deep breath in “I accept all of existence just as it is” As you exhale, mentally affirm – “I let go and release all judgment of everything”

Take another deep breath in “I forgive myself for everything and I am OK” Breathe out “I am perfect just as I am in all that I am”.

And finally- breathe in deeply – “I Breathe in Love”. Breathe it out blow it into the wind for the world, the planet, and for all of the cosmos.

Repeat as often as you need to. Close your eyes, connect to your heart and sit in a moment of self-love and gratitude for yourself and all of the Cosmos. Sit for as long as you like. That’s it!


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