How do I co-create my reality?

This can be a controversial and touchy subject for many. But all things considered, could you allow yourself to step into this perspective for just a moment- well maybe 5 minutes of thinking and pondering in self-inquiry. You can begin by asking, “What are the things that I don’t like in my life
right now?”

And then immediately followed by “What are the things that I really like in my life right now?”

Now if you are feeling hard-pressed to come up with answers for the second question- ask yourself – “ What is the life I want? What would I create in the life I wanted?” Now ask, “Am I really doing things essential to create the life I want?”

OR do you find yourself living life doing the things you think you should be doing and operating in autopilot mode, overwhelmed by the sense of responsibility, and the endless to-dos even while you fritter away time on your digital device or mindless activity? Instead, how can you show up in your life in a more responsible and self-accountable way- accountable only to yourself?

Do you feel negative towards yourself, life, and the world? Are there people and things you hate? Ask yourself- why?
Why is there resistance?
When there is resistance, are you pushing against it or pulling away from it and staying hidden?
Do you do more positive things in a day than negative things- this can be a subjective experience for many. But simply keep count.
How much time did you spend creating something, making something, and enjoying it? How many times did you show kindness to yourself and at least one other person today?

How did you give up on yourself today or inspire yourself into something new instead?
It’s very easy to overlook how unconscious behaviors and conditioning contribute to your reality. But it is what colors 95% of our reality and our life experience.
What do you take for granted as the truth every day?

Instead, move into a place of looking at life and your day with a new set of eyes, filled with possibilities and potential that is available for your taking. What would you do differently?
And what is stopping you? This is key.
Take one action item just for today and put yourself out there like you have never done before. Focus and set intention for today and send it out
there to manifest.

Peace, Blessings and Love


Experience Wholeness Heal Your Mind, Body & Spirit